RC IRC Celje


Salary Billing



The Salary Billing Module is applicable for billing
of salaries and all other related transactions,
that are taxed.

Examples of the latter include contract work,
author royalty, meeting fees, leasing nad rents,
awards, scholarships, etc.


Application properties


The Salary Billing Module can be used as an independent solution for billing salaries and other related transactions, or as an integrated solution in connection with the HRM System and the Finance and Accounting System.

The basis for salary billing is the Employee Personal Income Regulation, which has to be in concordance with the collective labour agreement, tax legislation, pension and disability regulation and health insurance.

The billing of other labour costs is based predominantly on tax legislation.

For the billing/payout of the salaries and other transactions it is possible to create all necessary reports, wage bills, payment orders and underlying documents.


The billing is possible according to individual cost items, projects, and according to different sources of financing. Adjustments to legislation changes are also possible.

If you are a medium or large company, you can take advantage of the input authorization for different users.

More Info

Would you like to test the application first hand?

For a detailed presentation of the application in person or any other additional information, please feel free to contact us on the phone +386 (0)3 42-74-200 or send us an e-mail.